JUST ADDED-Hunter Safety Class


About the Event

Prior to attending class, all students MUST study the below ‘Study Guide’ Units 2, 6, & 7 for at least two hours. https://www.hunter-ed.com/California/studyGuide/201005
All students must also print the CDFW Consent Form, complete applicable areas, and bring it to class.
and $10 fee payment starts at 8:15am.
Class instruction starts promptly at 9:00am.
There will be a morning break, a 45 minute lunch break, and an afternoon break. Plan to purchase and/or bring your refreshments to class.
If you are unable to attend, PLEASE cancel class so that others on ‘Wait List’ can attend the class!

About the Location

Check in will be in the Meeting Room Just west of the office. We will sign in as close to 9:00 am as possible. Prior to attending class, all students MUST study the below ‘Study Guide’ Units 2, 6, & 7 for at least two hours. https://www.hunter-ed.com/California/studyGuide/201005 All students must also print the CDFW Consent Form, complete applicable areas, and bring it to class. Sign-in and $10 (Cash Only) fee payment starts at 9:00 am. Class instruction starts promptly at 9:30am. There will be a morning break, a 45 minute lunch break, and an afternoon break. Plan to purchase and/or bring your refreshments to class. If you need help in registering, call the Hunter Education Office at (916) 653-1235. If you are unable to attend, PLEASE cancel/delete the class so that others on ‘Wait List’ can attend the class! NO WALK INS WILL BE ALLOWED



Important All students are required to obtain a California Get Outdoors ID (GO ID) prior to registering for California Hunter Education courses. If you have previously held a CDFW license (i.e. Fishing), your GO ID is printed on the license above your name.Click here to get a GO ID. Click here for instructions.

All students must download, print, and sign a Student Consent Form. Students 17 years of age and younger must have the form signed by a parent or guardian. The signed form must be brought to class.

In order to be certified the student must attend the entire class including all sessions. Students will need to show safe handling of firearms and pass the Hunter Education test with a score of 80% or better. There is no minimum age to attend California Hunter Education. Parents or guardians are encouraged to attend with young students, especially those younger than age 16, to help define new words or provide additional tutoring during and after class.

Special Accommodations If you require special assistance or accommodations, please see the form, Reasonable Accommodation: Request for Services. If you have any questions, please contact the instructor or regional director directly.

Required Files

Required information or forms needed for this event.

Cancellation Policies

You must cancel your registration before Friday, February 23, 2018, at 9:00am CST.

Organized by:

Wade Easton

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