Click here to visit the CICTSA Website for up coming shoots, results and contact information.

Membership Fees
New Member: $75.00/year-Junior $25.00
Renewal: $50.00/year-Junior $25.00
Associate Member (non-shooting): $30.00/year
Memberships expire December 31st each year.
Membership includes: By-Laws, monthly newsletters/e-mails, announcements of all registered matches by discipline, club shoots, shooting discounts, BBQ shoot, free targets at selected events.
You may click here for a printable application form. Please print and mail to the address shown:
Brian Arnold- President
Steve Lakatos – Field Captain & Trap Director
When e-mailing us, please use subject: CICTSA Shooting
CICTSA = California International Clay Target Shooters Association
The California International Clay Target Shooters Association maintains three primary objectives:
(1) Promote the attributes and the accomplishments of international style (i.e. Olympic and World Championship) clay target shooting.
(2)Sanction and host (registered and non-registered) competitive events in each of the international clay target disciplines in the spirit of and in keeping with the “Olympic Ideal” of true athletic competition, regardless of race, religion, or political boundaries, upheld by the highest level of sportsmanship.
(3)Maintain and develop a Junior Program that will not only insure our posterity but also be the foundation of future National and Olympic participants.The key words of each of CICTSA’s objectives are “International” and “Olympic” clay target shooting. International clay target events consist of International Trap (Olympic Trap) or “Bunker”
International Skeet (Olympic Skeet), and International Double Trap.
These disciplines differ from their American counterparts (ATA Trap, NSSA Skeet, and ATA Double Trap) primarily in their greater degree of difficulty, differences in protocol, and their higher athletic demands.
These events are included in the Summer Olympic Games program and are presented as medal events for both men and women.
The International format is the accepted norm throughout the world.The International Olympic Committee (I.O.C) sits atop the Olympic hierarchy and governs virtually all Olympic activities on an international level.
Serving under the I.O.C are the various international sports federations for each designated Olympic sport.
The I.S.S.F (International Shooting Sports Federation), formerly known as U.I.T., governs all shooting disciplines (rifle, pistol, running target & shotgun), on an international level.
A similar hierarchy exists on a National level. In the United States, the United States Olympic Committee
(U.S.O.C) oversees all of the various federations that govern each Olympic sport.
The governing body for all Olympic and International shooting in the United States is USA SHOOTING.
USA SHOOTING is based at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO.
The national governing body of each Olympic sport, whether it be track & field, figure skating, gymnastics,
shooting, etc., is responsible for implementing rules, doctrines, and protocol as mandated by the I.O.C., U.S.O.C., and the international federation of each sport.
Included in these responsibilities are the selection of National and Olympic Team participants.Supporting USA SHOOTING is a system of individuals and organizations that operate on a local or regional level, of which, CICTSA figures prominently.
Established in 1989 by the incorporation of several organizations, CICTSA maintains the highest profile in
the international clay target sports. Traditionally, CICTSA hosts more registered events (PTOs – Preliminary Tryouts) in each of the clay target disciplines than any other organization in the United States. In fact, since its inception, CICTSA has hosted every California State Championship, Zone Championship, and Regional Championship in each discipline, as well as several “high profile”, prestigious invitational events such as the Golden Bear International Clay Target Championships and the Maple Leaf International Clay Target Championships. Along with these USA SHOOTING sanctioned registered matches,
CICTSA regularly hosts lower profile club shoots designed to enhance social interaction amongst its club members but, more importantly, to introduce international shooting to the interested public and to provide a non-threatening atmosphere in which beginners can lean the nuances of each clay target discipline.
CICTSA and individuals from its membership annually host various charity functions as well as functioning as liaison to its American clay target counterparts.It is important to note that CICTSA is an independent organization that is not associated nor is affiliated with any particular shooting range, therefore, on a fundamental level, CICTSA is actively involved as a promoter and liaison to various shooting facilities in order to maintain the presence of international clay target shooting.
Because of its inherent requirements of special equipment and supplies, the maintenance of international shooting requires constant and persistent vigilance, not only with facilities based in California, but indeed, throughout the country.CICTSA’s junior development program is unprecedented in the development of national and world class talent. The development program has hosted numerous clinics, recruiting the brightest and most promising junior shooters from American skeet and American Trap, and more recently, sporting clays,
Because of the inherent difficulties in training for Olympic Trap and Double Trap, CICTSA’s development committee, through intense campaigning of its membership, interested benefactors, and even the NRA, was able to fully outfit a complete trap field (consisting of 15 trap machines and electronic hardware) so that the membership, particularly the juniors, could regularly train.
CICTSA’s development program has placed more individuals on the US Junior Olympic Team than any other organization. Currently, CICTSA’s membership consists of several past and present National and Olympic Team members, former and current World Champions, and medalists from the 1996 Olympic Games. Furthermore, several licensed and accredited officials, ranging from local to Olympic status, are members of CICTSA.Though based in California, CICTSA’s membership includes individuals from Colorado, Oregon, Arizona. Idaho. Hawaii , Mexico, Czech Republic, and Japan.
Welcome to the California International Clay Target Shooters Association’s web site.
Please continue for more information!Bill Bolinger
California International Clay Target Shooters Association.